Gallery 2009

2009! The year started with my move back to Oregon and Mountain Home Homestead was the center of my natural building activity. Mountain Home Homestead is located in Coquille, OR where residents and worktraders focus on homesteading, sustainable living, eco-forestry and natural building. I was given the opportunity to lead the Maintenance Shop project. The majority of the time, from March 'til June, was spent felling Doug Fir trees, de-barking them, laying out the site and constructing the foundation. We had a great revolving crew and spent many days enjoying the mud together. A highlight of the project was building and using the gin pole, pictured below. Another team will lead the continuation of the project, perhaps next year! 

Urbanite Art
Hanging out on the jobsite with Mickyle, Ian and Soco
Recycled Urbanite Foundation
Micah using the Gin Pole!

More to come...